


Lafit 品牌 

Lafit Florist 是香港高級保鮮花藝品牌,於2016年成立,廣受藝人及網紅喜愛的名人花店。


每次出品都會取些浪漫的名字附上極具藝術感的文字,只要看到Pastel tone夢幻色調的花束都會想起Lafit。







“Treat her better with LAFIT flowers.” 品牌堅持以頂級花材用心製作,每份作品都帶出一份精緻而華麗感覺。除了一直研發創新花藝品,亦逐漸開設輕奢珠寶及時尚周邊商品,帶領品牌走在最前,讓客人感受Lafit 品牌的華麗感。


The Lafit brand pursues romanticism. I really hope that Lafit flowers can become the first choice for people to give gifts and buy flowers. In addition to bringing everyone a luxurious experience, buying flowers becomes a habit and makes life full of rituals. Luxury does not just mean that the product has an expensive value, but it should give the pursuit of deeper spiritual satisfaction. The feeling of being loved by a girl can often be remembered for a lifetime. 

Each flower gift product represents our art of heart, and the hand-made production contains the heart of blessing to make it. I hope that everyone who receives the flowers will feel happy and that each bouquet will send a message of their love to the flower giver. Therefore, I pay more attention to the warmth that our flowers can bring to people's hearts and treat floral art with the highest standards. There is a story or artistic concept behind the design of each bouquet of flowers. We hope to bring guests to our unique Lafit flower world and record unforgettable memories. 



Lafit 創辦人

Lafit 品牌短短幾年網店再逐步發展成為現時時代廣場唯一的一間高級花藝禮品店。 一家花店的氣質與創辦人密不可分;

Lafit 品牌源自於90後創辦人Layla Yeung,由22歲開始選擇創業,憑著對花藝有一種別樹一格的審美和創意,及對美感有一定的堅持和執著,獲得多位名人、網紅喜愛和客戶的長期支持。  



除了是一間奢華禮品店,更可說是Layla的私人花藝展覽。 除了一向熱賣的各種獨家設計的花束花禮之外,更新設多款時尚周邊商品及限量禮盒。


LAFIT's founder

In just a few years, the Lafit brand has gradually developed from an online store to two brick-and-mortar stores and is the only high-end flower arrangement brand in Times Square, Causeway Bay. Lafit is synonymous with elegance and fantasy in many people's minds. Each and every bouquet is meticulously arranged by expert florists and coincides with the founder's devotion to creating a harmonious environment. Lafit was founded by Layla Yeung, when she was only 22 years old. She quickly won the long-term support of many celebrities (such as Grace Chan, Dada, Hins Cheung, Gracie Wong, Eliza Sam, etc.), many Internet celebrities and customers. In addition to being a luxurious flower shop, it can be said that it is Lafit is like a private flower art exhibition. 

Except their signature preserved flower works will be uniquely designed in dusty rose colour, Lafit insists to infuse it’s own branded elements into Lafit Jewellery. 





今次Lafit把對花藝美感的堅持帶到全新同名輕奢珠寶品牌Lafit Jewellery,低調散發優雅氣質。 以柔美典雅的花藝色彩作為靈感,分別開設Fashion Jewellery 和 Fine Jewellery兩大類。




Lafit Jewellery is a brand about the understated attractive luxury style, a brand belongs to all women. Jewellery to Layla, is accessories in a art form, every women should have jewellery that are unique to them. Jewellery has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique and powerful, Everyday is more beautiful with Beautiful Jewellery. I think choosing a jewellery to wear is a good start for a day. 

Jewellery is an indispensable item for every graceful girl. I have to wear different delicate accessories every day to make my overall look more chic and the most simple and noble designs can better highlight the temperament of girls. Inspired by soft and elegant floral colours, Lafit jewelry has two categories: Fashion Jewellery and Fine Jewellery. Made of high-quality materials such as 18K gold, diamonds, sapphires, freshwater pearls and sterling silver plated with 14K gold, it is both art and jewellery. It's designed in the most beautifully packaged jewellery box with the theme colour of Morandi rose bean paste, showing a low-key and luxurious attitude. 

 In the future, Layla will design Lafit’s original jewellery, by adding in her favourite storyline, in order to enrich the art elements and to reinforce the customer’s impression. Beside the floral art, I hope that our customers will be confidence to our jewellery quality, and sense our unique charisma and story.
